Outline of Psalm 29

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Ps 29:1-2 Direction to the Heavenly Throng
Praise before the Storm - Glory and Grace

Ps 29:3-9 Description of the Heavy Thunderstorm
Power in the Storm - Greatness

Ps 29:10-11 Declaration of the Happy Theme
Peace after the Storm - Government and Goodness

Vision of the Glorified Christ

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The vision of the Glorified Christ provides
- Strength for Suffering (Stephen)
- Strength for Service (Paul)
- Strength for Solitude (John)


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At 8: He reigned in the kingdom (2 Chron 34:1).
At 16: He recognized God (2 Chron 34:3).
At 20: He renounced the idols (2 Chron 34:3-7).
At 26: He repaired the House of God (2 Chron 34:8).
He responded to the law (2 Chron 34:19).
He re-read the law (2 Chron 34:30).
He re-established the covenant (2 Chron 34:31-32).
He reinstated the feast (2 Chron 35:1, 17).
He revived the service (2 Chron 35:2, 10).
He restored the worship (2 Chron 35:16).
13 years later:
He resisted God's word (2 Chron 35:20-22).

Assembly Leadership

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Overseers - Spiritual Authority (accountability)
Elders - Spiritual Maturity (responsibility)
Shepherds - Spiritual Capacity (activity)

Overseers - Work (manner of labour)
Elders - Worth (maturity of life)
Shepherds - Watch (motive of love)
Guides - Walk (methods of leading)
Leaders - Wisdom (means of learning)

Preventing Foe
Providing Food
Encouraging Fruit
Leading the Flock
Looking to the Future

Not be Ignorant

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Rom 1:13 - Desire for Spiritual Fruits
Rom 11:25 - Dispensation of Israel's Blindness
1 Cor 10:1 - Dangers of Falling
1 Cor 12:1 - Diversities of Gifts
2 Cor 1:8 - Difficulties in Missions
2 Cor 2:11 - Devices of Satan
1 Thess 4:13 - Dead in Christ
2 Pet 3:8 - Duration to Christ's Return

Litotes is a figure of speech in which one generally makes an understatement to express the affirmative by negating its opposite, or uses a double negation to affirm the positive.

Enemies' Attacks in 2 Peter

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Attack on Christian History (Past)
2 Peter 1:16 "cunningly devised fables"

Attack on Christian Holiness (Present)
2 Peter 2:1 "damnable heresies"
2 Peter 2:2 "pernicious ways"
2 Peter 2:3 "covetous merchandise"

Attack on Christian Hope (Future)
2 Peter 3:4 "Where is the promise of His coming?"

Gospel in Acts

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Acts 8:25 Preaching of the Gospel
Acts 14:7-10 Power of the Gospel
Acts 14:19-21 Persecution of the Gospel
Acts 15:7 Predicament of Preaching
Acts 16:10 Propagation of the Gospel
Acts 20:24 Persistence in Preaching

Brief Outline of Deuteronomy

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Deut 1-4 Reviewing the Past
Deut 5-11 Realising the Purpose
Deut 12-18 Recognising the Place
Deut 19-26 Reflecting the Principles
Deut 27-34 Renewing the Pledge

Read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.

Brief Outline of Leviticus

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Lev 1-7 Laws of the Offerings (Sacrifice)
Lev 8-10 Laws of the Priesthood (Service)
Lev 11-22 Laws of Purity (Separation)
Lev 23-27 Laws of Festivals (Sanctification)

"Lord Jesus Christ" in Acts

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Acts 11:17 Gift of the Holy Spirit
Acts 15:11 Grace of God
Acts 15:26 Greatness of His Name
Acts 16:31 Gospel of Salvation
Acts 20:21 Goodness unto Repentance
Acts 28:31 Glory of His Person

Visions of Paul

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Acts 9:3-5 Paul's Salvation
Acts 9:12 Paul's Sight
Acts 16:9 Paul's Service
Acts 18:9 Paul's Stay in Corinth
Acts 22:17-18 Paul's Safety
Acts 23:11 Paul's Support in Suffering
Acts 27:23 Paul's Sailing to Rome
2Cor 12:2-4 Paul's Scenes of Glory

The Word Part 3

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Read Part 1, Part 2.

Ἐν ἀρχῇ
  ὁ λόγος καὶ
   ὁ λόγος
    ἦν πρὸς
     τὸν θεόν
     καὶ θεὸς
   ὁ λόγος
ἐν ἀρχῇ πρὸς τὸν θεόν

Brief Outline of Acts 11

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The Contention at Jerusalem (Acts 11:1-18)
Acts 11:1-3 Accusation
Acts 11:4-17 Answer
Acts 11:18 Acquittal

The Company at Antioch (Acts 11:19-30)
Acts 11:19-21 Commencement
Acts 11:22-26 Confirmation
Acts 11:27-30 Charity


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Acts 11:26 Students of Christ
Acts 26:28 Soul-winners for Christ
1Peter 4:16 Sufferers for Christ

W H Griffith Thomas noted three elements in the name Christian:
1. It contains Jewish thought, as the equivalent of Messiah, the Anointed.
2. It shows the Greek language in the substantive- 'Christ.'
3. It also includes the Latin language in the adjectival ending ‘ians’ (Latin, iani).
This universality is a reminder of the language of the title on the Cross.

Supplications, Prayers, Intercessions and Thanksgivings

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"I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;" 1 Timothy 2:1

Supplications - God is Sufficient, Grace of God 
Prayers - God is Sacred, Glory of God 
Intercessions - God is Sovereign, Greatness of God 
Thanksgivings - God that Satisfies, Goodness of God

Stand Fast

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Faith - 1 Cor 16:13
Freedom - Gal 5:1
Fellowship - Phil 1:27
Family - Phil 4:1
Fortitude - 1 Thess 3:8
Foundation - 2 Thess 2:15

Before the Foundation of the World

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John 17:24 - The Communion between Father and Son in Love
1 Pet 1:20 - The Coming of Christ as the Lamb of God
Eph 1:4 - The Choosing of the Church to be in Christ
2 Tim 1:9 - The Calling of the Church in purpose and grace
Titus 1:2 - The Covenant of Eternal Life

From the Foundation of the World

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Matt 25:34 - Preparation of the Kingdom
Matt 13:35 - Parables of the Kingdom
Luke 11:50, (Luke 1:70, Acts 3:21) - Prophets of the Kingdom 
Rom 16:25 - Preaching of Jesus Christ
Rev 13:8 - Portion in the Book of Life

"So" in Nehemiah

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Neh 2:4 The "so" of Prayer
Neh 2:6 The "so" of Providence
Neh 2:11 The "so" of Purpose
Neh 4:6, 10, 18, 21, 23 The "so" of Plod
Neh 6:3 The "so" of Perseverance
Neh 6:15 The "so" of Perfection
Neh 5:15 The "so" of Personality
Neh 8:8 The "so" of Perception
Neh 8:11  The "so" of Power
Neh 12:40 The "so" of Praise

Outline of Psalm 139

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Ps 139:1-6 God’s Omniscient Care
Ps 139:7-12 God’s Omnipresent Care
Ps 139:13-16 God’s Omnipotent Care
Ps 139:17-18 Occupation of God's Thoughts
Ps 139:19-24 Opposition of God's Name

Read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.

The House of the Lord in the Psalms

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Ps 23:6 - Life in Pleasure
Ps 27:4 - Lifelong Pursuit
Ps 92:13 - Living Position
Ps 118:26 - Longing Praise
Ps 122:1,9 - Legacy of the Place
Ps 134:1 - Loyalty to its Preservation
Ps 135:2 - Liberty to Participate

Outline and Notes of Psalm 2

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Ps 2:1-3 Raging of the Nations
Ps 2:4-6 Reaction of God
Ps 2:7-9 Response from the Son
Ps 2:10-12 Recommendation of the Holy Spirit

Ps 1 - Humanity of Christ - His moral glory
Ps 2 - Deity of Christ - His millennial glory

Read The Voices in Psalm 2.

Outline and Notes of Psalm 1

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Begins with "blessed" and ends with "perish"

Prosperity of the Godly
Ps 1:1 Separate from the World
Ps 1:2 Saturated with the Word
Ps 1:3 Situated by the Water (Holy Spirit)

Perishing of the Ungodly
Ps 1:4 No rest in the present
Ps 1:5 No righteousness in the future
Ps 1:6 No reward in perpetuity

verse 1, 2, 3 - discernment, delight, dependence
verse 4, 5, 6 - castaway, condemned, consumed

Stephen the Martyr

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The name Stephen means “a crown,” and he won the crown of life because he was faithful unto death (Rev 2:10)

Arrest, Accusation, Address, Assault

Filled with the Holy Spirit to Serve
1. "honest report" good man
2. "full of the Spirit" godly man
3. "wisdom" gifted man

Filled with the Holy Spirit to Speak
1. Debating truth (Acts 6:9-15)
2. Defending truth (Acts 7:1-50)
3. Declaring truth (Acts 7:51-54)

Filled with the Holy Spirit to Suffer
1. He suffered voluntarily (Acts 7:55-56)
2. He suffered victoriously (Acts 7:57-60)

Look out for similarities between Stephen and his Lord.

I Am Jesus

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"I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks." Acts 9:5

I am - Deity
Jesus - Humanity
Whom thou persecutest - Audacity
it is hard for thee - Difficulty
To kick against the pricks - Futility

Brief Outline of Acts 10

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Acts 10:1-8 Vision of Cornelius
Acts 10:9-12 Vision of Peter
Acts 10:13-16 Voice from Heaven
Acts 10:17-22 Visit of the Messengers
Acts 10:23-33 Visit of Peter & the brethren
Acts 10:34-43 Verity of the Gospel
Acts 10:44-48 Vitality of the Holy Spirit