Christ in the Pentateuch

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Genesis - Christ is our Source
Exodus - Christ is our Security
Leviticus - Christ is our Sacrifice
Numbers - Christ is our Sustenance
Deuteronomy - Christ is our Statesman

The Poetical Books and Christ

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Job - Christ is our Stamina
Psalms - Christ is our Song
Proverbs - Christ is our Shrewdness
Ecclesiastes - Christ is our Satisfaction
Song of Solomon - Christ is our Spouse

Brief Outline of 2 Timothy

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2 Tim 1 - Foundations of the Man of God
2 Tim 2 - Figures of the Man of God
2 Tim 3 - Future of the Man of God
2 Tim 4 - Faithfulness of the Man of God

J R Baker

Sinners in Romans

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Rom 1:20 Sinners without Excuse
Rom 2:1 Sinners without Exculpation
Rom 2:5-6 Sinners without Escape
Rom 3:23 Sinners without Exception

Mystery of Godliness

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"And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory." 1 Tim 3:16

Appearance - manifest in the flesh
Approval - justified in the Spirit
Audience - seen of angels
Announcement - preached unto the Gentiles
Acceptancebelieved on in the world
Acclamation - received up into glory

Read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.

Call to Revival

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"If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." 2 Chr 7:14

RaceIf My people
Relationshipwhich are called by My name
Repentanceshall humble themselves
Requestand pray
Returnand seek My face
Reparationand turn from their wicked ways
Regardthen will I hear from heaven
Restorationand will forgive their sin
Revivaland will heal their land

Lebanon in the Songs

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The word "Lebanon" occurs seven times in six verses in the Song of Solomon.  A northern border to Israel, an abundant, fertile standard of earthly glory.  Lebanon is the source of fine wood for Israel and a paradise in the Hebrew imagination.  Here elevated heights, which reach up to ten thousand feet, give Lebanon majesty and glory and the reputation as being the "utmost heights". The elevation is responsible for a heavy rainfall, which falls on the heights in winter as snow.  In places, the snow lasts all year.  The high precipitation and the slow melting snows, coupled with porous aquifers, ensure year-round fertility.  This word "Lebanon" means whiteness, it speaks of the majesty and glory of Christ as the perfect Man.  Only Him is good enough to be the Saviour of the world.

Song 3:9 Freedom of Christ
Song 4:8 Fellowship of Christ
Song 4:11 Fragrance of Christ
Song 4:15 Freshness of Christ
Song 5:15 Features of Christ
Song 7:4 Fortress for Christ

The Saviour in Titus

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Tit 1:3 The Commandment of God
Tit 1:4 The Communion with God
Tit 2:10 The Character of the Saints
Tit 2:13 The Coming of the Saviour
Tit 3:4 The Conversion of the Saints
Tit 3:6 The Completion of the Saints

The Awesome Alls

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2Tim 3:16 The All of Scripture
Rom 3:23 The All of Sin
Col 1:20 The All of the Saviour
2Pet 3:9 The All of Salvation
Rom 8:28 The All of God's Sovereignty
Phil 4:19 The All of God's Supply

Spirit, Word and Letter

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"That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand." 2 Th 2:2

Frantic - shaken in mind
Frightened - be troubled

Fake Revelation - by spirit
False Speculation - by word
Forged Communication - by letter

Future - the day of Christ

Brief Outline of 1 Timothy

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1Tim 1-2 The Mediation of Christ
1Tim 3-4 The Mission of the Church
1Tim 5-6 The Manners of Christian

Charles J Rolls 

The Pastoral Epistles

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1Timothy - House of God (1Tim 3:15)
2Timothy - Man of God (2Tim 3:17)
Titus - Doctrine of God (Tit 2:10)

Responses to the Gospel

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Never - believed not, moved with envy (Acts 17:5)
Not Now - we will hear thee again (Acts 17:32)
Neglect - when I have a convenient season (Acts 24:25)
Nearly - almost thou persuadest me (Acts 26:28)
Now - I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God (Acts 8:37)

Read Part 1, Part 2.

Problems in 2 Thessalonians

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2Thess 1:4-5 Dire Persecution
2Thess 2:3-4 Distorted Prophecy
2Thess 3:7-8 Disorderly Passivity


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Character - Churches of God (1Cor 11:16, 1Th 2:14, 2Th 1:4)
Control - Churches of Christ (Rom 16:16)
Conduct - Churches of the Saints (1Cor 14:33)
Composition - Churches of Gentiles (Rom 16:4)
Countries, Cities - Churches of Galatia, Macedonia, Asia, Judaea (1Cor 16:1,19, 2 Cor 8:1, Gal 1:2,22)

Read Part 1, Part 2.

The Lord Reigneth

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Psalms 93, 97 and 99 begin with the expression "The Lord Reigneth" and end with a mention of God's holiness.  These psalms are sometimes called "enthronement psalms" or "theocratic psalms" by Bible scholars.  They celebrate the Lord's reign on the earth.

Psalm 93 - Confidence of His Reign
Psalm 97 - Constitution of His Righteousness
Psalm 99 - Character of His Rule 
Read Part 1, Part 2.

Natural, Carnal and Spiritual Men Part 2

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Col 3:5 Natural Man - Mortify
 - fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness

Col 3:8 Carnal Man - Put off
- anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication

Col 3:12 Spiritual Man - Put on
- bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering

Read Part 1.

Scriptural Arithmetic

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As exemplified in the early church
Addition - Three thousand added (Acts 2:41)
Subtraction - Two taken away (Acts 5:10)
Multiplication - Disciples multiplied (Acts 6:1)
Division - Scattered abroad (Acts 8:1)

Five Contrasts in Colossians 3

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Two Positions - dead with Christ contrast risen with Christ (Col 2:20, 3:1)
Two Places - things above contrast things on the earth (Col 3:2)
Two Periods - hid with Christ contrast appear with Him (Col 3:3)
Two Practices - put on contrast put off (Col 3:9,10)
Two Persons - old man contrast new man (Col 3:9,10)

Five Scenes in Acts 12

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Acts 12:1-4 Passover Scene - Persecution
Acts 12:5-10 Prison Scene - Preservation
Acts 12:11-17 Prayer Meeting - Power
Acts 12:18-23 Palace Scene - Perdition
Acts 12:24-25 Pavement Scene - Progress

Read Brief Outline of Acts 12 and Chiastic Outline of Acts 12.

Three Post-Exilic Prophets

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Haggai - House of the Lord (Hag 1:8)
Zechariah - Holiness of the Lord (Zech 14:20)
Malachi - Honour of the Lord (Mal 1:6)

Read Faith, Hope and Love Part 7.

Born of God

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"Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God." John 1:13

Born not by human
- descent (blood)
- determination (will of the flesh)
- decree (will of man)
But of a Divine Origin

Christ, Only Begotten

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John 1:14 Glory of His Incarnation
John 1:18 Greatness of His Inscrutability
John 3:16 Grace of His Immolation
John 3:18 Goodness of His Illumination
1 John 4:9 Goal of His Image

Read Christ, First Begotten or Firstborn. 

Brief Outline of Ecclesiastes

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Eccl 1:1-11 The Course - Meaning of Life
Eccl 1:12-2:26 The Chase - Mania of Life
Eccl 3:1-5:20 The Consideration - Motifs of Life
Eccl 6:1-8:15 The Compromise - Median of Life
Eccl 8:16-12:7 The Counsel - Maxims of Life
Eccl 12:8-14 The Conclusion - Maker of Life