"Leaven is a substance which ferments. In the Scriptures it is always a symbol of secretly spreading evil." Harold Paisley
"This leaven referred to ideas from Jewish sources ready to captivate the mind." John Heading
"Leaven is always a type of evil ... invading silently, secretly and not stopping until the entire lump of dough is leavened. Leaven puffs up, greatly increasing the size without adding weight or value, and eventually it sours all that it touches ..." Norman Crawford
1. The Leaven of the Pharisee (Matt 16:12, Mark 8:15, Luke 12:1) - legalism, hypocrisy through eternal forms
2. The Leaven of the Sadducces (Matt 16:12) - materialism, denial and unbelief of supernatural
3. The Leaven of Herod (Mark 8:15) - patronising, compromise of religion and politics
4. The Leaven of the Woman (Matt 13:33) - apostasy, profession without reality
5. The Old Leaven (1 Cor 5:7) - immorality of the unregenerated
6. The Leaven of Malice and Wickedness (1 Cor 5:8) - injury to the saints
7. The Leaven of the Judaisers (Gal 5:8-10) - perversion of the Gospel
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