Acts 9:1-9 Conversion of Saul
Acts 9:10-16 Concern of Ananias
Acts 9:17-22 Confession of Faith
Acts 9:23-26 Counsel of the Jews
Acts 9:27-30 Confidence of Barnabas
Acts 9:31 Comfort of the Holy Spirit - Churches in Peace
Acts 9:32-35 Command to AEneas
Acts 9:36-43 Crisis of Dorcas
Acts 9:10-16 Concern of Ananias
Acts 9:17-22 Confession of Faith
Acts 9:23-26 Counsel of the Jews
Acts 9:27-30 Confidence of Barnabas
Acts 9:31 Comfort of the Holy Spirit - Churches in Peace
Acts 9:32-35 Command to AEneas
Acts 9:36-43 Crisis of Dorcas