Christ Portrayed by the Gospels Part 3

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- The Denied Sovereign
- The King of the Jews (Zech 9:9); the Messiah
- The Lion of Judah
- Emmanuel, Sovereign in His will
- The claim and rejection of the Majesty
- His invaluable satisfaction to the God of holiness when made sin for sinners as the sin
offering (propitiation to satisfy the holy character of the God in His judgment of sin)

- The Distinguished/Diligent Servant
- The Servant of Jehovah (Isaiah 52:13)
- The Ox or Calf
- Effective Servant in His work
- The contributions and readiness of the Minister
- His inevitable settlement for sinners as the trespass offering (substitution to satisfy
the governmental requirement of the God of holiness in His judgment of sin)

- The Dependent Son of Man
- The Second Man; the Last Adam (1 Cor 15:47,45)
- The Man (Zech 6:12)
- Excellent Saviour of the world
- The consistency and reliance of the Man
- His impeccable sinlessness to ascend as the sweet savor as peace offering (peace
with God accomplished and communion attained)

- The Devoted Son of God; God (Isaiah 40:9)
- The God-Man
- The Eagle (Ezekiel 1:10; Rev 4:7)
- Eternal Son as the Word
- The compliance and response of the Mediator
- His incredible submission to be the sacrifice as burnt offering (obedience in absolute
devotedness to the will of God)


Read Part 1, Part 2.

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