
God's Way of Salvation by Alexander Marshall.
Are your soul saved from sin and hell? In this excellent article, the way of salvation is set forth by illustration, comparison and contrast. Read this article and find out that Jesus Christ is the only God's designated way of salvation for you.

The Reason Why by Robert Laidlaw.
This excellent article tells the reason why no one can afford to be without Christ. We wonder whether you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour. Read this article for a logical explanation on why you need to believe in Him.

Safety, Certainty and Enjoyment by George Cutting
This excellent article has been mightily used of God in bringing many seeking souls to salvation. It has also been exceptionally effective in helping thousands find the assurance of salvation. Using well-chosen illustrations and, above all, the Scriptures themselves, the author skillfully points to the Lord Jesus Christ as the way of salvation.