Brief Outline of Acts 4

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Arrest Adjudication Address Acquittal Appeal Ability Abundance Accord

Acts 4:1-4 Incarceration of the Apostles 
- Infuriation of the Sadducees
- Increase of Converts

Acts 4:5-12 Interrogation by the High Priest
- Important Meeting
- Irrefutable Miracle
- Irrepressible Men

Acts 4:13-22 Intimidation by the Council 
- Deadly Fear
- Definite Faith
- Delightful Fervor
- Unlearned Men
- Undeniable Miracle
- Unstoppable Message

Acts 4:23-31 Intercession of the Believer
- Apostles Reporting
- Assembly Resolving
- Almighty Responding

Acts 4:32-37 Invigoration of the Church
- Saintly Believers
- Sacred Benediction
- Spontaneous Benevolence
- Sincere Barnabas

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